20 Drastic Body Transformations That You Need to See



People all around the world have now become conscious regarding their health. Some of them needed to lose some weight in order to be healthy, but some of them were too skinny and needed to gain some. We were browsing the web for drastic body transformations because we think that these people need to be appreciated and their stories must be shared.

We also found some drastic transformations of actors who struggled with their weight in order to get a role in a movie. It’s clearly isn’t about their health, but celebrity or not, we must appreciate everyone’s effort. Below is the list of 20 most amazing body transformations that we have shortlisted just for you.

20. DeAndre Upshaw: 150-Pound Weight Loss

20 Body Transformations That You Need to See
Courtesy of: cdn-images-1.medium.com

Weighing 400 pounds with a height of 6’7”, Upshaw had always been the gigantic being of his surroundings. However, Upshaw was too busy to care. However, one day he decided to loosen up a few pounds by consulting his doctor and adopting a simple calorie in calorie out plan. Upshaw kept on the healthy regime till he lost 150 pounds.

19. Andrew Kam: 90-Pound Weight Loss

20 Body Transformations That You Need to See
Courtesy of: hips.hearstapps.com

Things took the wrong turn when in freshman year Andrew’s mother died battling cancer. Andrew joined a therapy club to deal with his grief and emotions. However, Andrew found comfort in food, and thus overeating began. He also got an office job, sitting all day. It’s not a surprise that one day, when Andrew saw his old pictures, he decided that enough is enough. Through ketogenic diet, Andrew lost 90 pounds in 10 months.


