10 Weird Jobs That Can Actually Make a Living


In the age of networking and virtual everything, making money doing odd jobs is becoming a trend. There are those that make thousands of dollars beta testing video games or making mundane phone calls for those without the time or want to make them themselves. But some jobs that may shock and surprise the traditional worker. Nine to five jobs have taken a new meaning when it comes to what people are willing to make a wage doing.

10. Professional Apologizer

courtesy of: youtube.com

Mass communication degrees have never entirely been used so effectively until now.  Companies and civilians alike search far and wide for qualified people to work as a professional apologizer.  Employers run an array from airlines hiring a single, college graduate to make phone calls when a flight becomes canceled, or a piece of luggage goes missing. The job description is relatively easy. Be willing to say ‘I’m sorry’ and with authenticity and believability and one fits the mold to be a professional apologizer. Some companies will pay upwards to a sixty thousand dollar a year salary plus benefits to merely write letters, offer coupons, and verbally apologize for malfunctions or inconveniences.

9. Pet Food Taster

pet food taster
courtesy of: multimedios.com

“Foodie” takes on a new definition. Pet food manufacturers hire people, willing people, to taste test their pet foods. The thought is if the individual consumer enjoys the taste and texture and does not die, then the food and snacks are suitable for pets around the world. Companies may pay up to forty thousand dollars a year to taste and approve the new cutting edge blends, packaging styles, and texture of new pet foods.

