10 Wonders Of The World You Didn’t Know About!



8. Torun – Poland

Torun – Poland
Courtesy of: travelhdwallpapers.com

Torun is a city in Poland. It is the capital of the province of Pomerania and has 200,000 people. It is one of the oldest cities in Poland.

Torun was founded by Duke Mieszko I in the early 10th century as a defensive outpost on the trade route between Kraków and Gdańsk (Danzig). The name “Torun” comes from two German words: ‘tor,’ meaning ‘gate’ or ‘tower,’ and ‘tun,’ meaning settlement; hence “Tower settlement.”

During its heyday, Torun was considered one of Poland’s most important cities because it was located on an important trade route between Kraków and Danzig (Gdańsk). As a result, it was a major center for metalworking, cloth manufacturing, and tanning industries during this period.

The city prospered during the 14th century under dukes Swantopolk II and Leszek II. In 1240, it was the site of the first meeting between Mieszko I of Poland (sometime before 963-1034) and Bolesław III Wrymouth (1107-1138), which allied against a common enemy: pagan Prussians. The town was also an important center for Jewish life from early in its history until the Nazi occupation in 1939.

Torun has a vibrant student culture, with many students from Poland and other countries studying at its universities. In addition, a large international community is living in Torun, with many English language teachers employed at the local university.
