10 Mobile Apps That You Need To Know About



8. Pacifica

Cost: The basic version is free; Pacifica Full Access is available through subscriptions $3.99 per month / $29.99 annually.

7 best iphone apps

Most of us get caught up in our high-octane, adrenaline-driven lives, making stress, anxiety and depression intrinsic to our lifestyle. Pacifica can offer fundamental support, enabling you to break free from the hold of these conditions. The app has been created to enable users to reach a greater peace of mind and a happier, healthier life. The self-help app features daily stress-busting tools based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness, so that users can make real progress, step by step. There is also a community support option, enabling users to connect with friends, family members, their therapist and also other Pacifica app users.
